Micro-resistance Welding Stations
DEM Bcn is the Spanish Official Distributor for KombiTec Micro Resistance Welding stations. Our long experience in Resistance welding made us taking the decision to introduce ourselves in this new market and offering our engineering services in the Microresistance Welding sector. KombiTec is an innovative German company that offers the micro-resistance welding technology with standard machines and custom-made projects:
Dem offers micro-resistance welding turnkey projects. We can help you from the beginning, designing the full microwelding station following all your requirements, even with automated processes, and finishing the complete service with the final set up.
Here below you have the most common KombiTec standard items as compactingtools, welding pincers, welding-heads, double-welding-heads and workstations for microwelding processes.